Publikationen 2010-2019
Zeige Ergebnisse 181 - 200 von 212
Leder, H., Peschl, F.-M., & Burger, S. (2011). Gedacht wird nicht allein. Wiener Zeitung.
Kriz, J., & Slunecko, T. (2011). Gesprächspsychotherapie. Die therapeutische Vielfalt des personzentrierten Ansatzes. (2. Aufl.) Facultas.
Tinio, P., Leder, H., & Strasser, M. (2011). Image Quality and the Aesthetic Judgment of Photographs: Contrast, Sharpness, and Grain Teased Apart and Put Together. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 5(2), 165-176.
Miesler, L., Leder, H., & Herrmann, A. (2011). Isn't It Cute: An Evolutionary Perspective of Baby-Schema Effects in Visual Product Designs. International Journal of Design, 5(3), 17-30.
Przyborski, A., & Slunecko, T. (2011). Learning to think iconically in the human and social sciences:
Iconic standards of understanding as a pivotal challenge for method development. Integrative Psychological & Behavioral Science, 46(1), 39-56.
Fuchs-Leitner, I., Leder, H., & Ansorge, U. (2011). Local rule violations attract attention and eye fixations. Journal of Eye Movement Research, 4, 145-145.
Krainz, U., & Slunecko, T. (2011). Negotiating Cultural Differences in a Total Institution: Muslim Conscripts in the Austrian Armed Forces. in I. Menke, & P. Langer (Hrsg.), Muslim service members in non-Muslim countries: Experiences of difference in the armed forces in Austria, Germany and the Netherlands Sozialwissenschaftliches Institut der Bundeswehr.
Gartus, A., & Leder, H. (2011). Predicting the Visual Complexity of line Drawings and Photos of common Objects. Perception, 40(ECVP Abstract Supplement), 206.
Fuchs-Leitner, I., Ansorge, U., Redies, C., & Leder, H. (2011). Salience in paintings: bottom-up influences on eye fixations. Cognitive Computation, 3(1), 25-36.
Jakesch, M., Zachhuber, M., Leder, H., Spingler, M., & Carbon, C.-C. (2011). Scenario-based touching: on the influence of top-down processes on tactile and visual appreciation. Research in Engineering Design: theory, applications, and concurrent engineering, 22(3), 143-152.
Leder, H., & Peschl, F.-M. (2011). Schwerpunkt Cognitive Science. - Online Zeitung der Universität Wien.
Graham, D., Hughes, J. M., Leder, H., & Rockmore, D. N. (2011). Statistics, vision, and the analysis of artistic style. Wiley Interdisciplinary Reviews. Computational Statistics.
Leder, H., Forster, M., & Gerger, G. (2011). The glasses stereotype revisited – Effects of glasses on perception, recognition and impressions of faces. Swiss Journal of Psychology, 70(4), 211-222.
Leder, H. (2011). Thinking by Design: The Science of everyday beauty reveals what people really like-and why. Scientific American Mind, (July-August 2011), 42-47.
Leder, H., Peschl, F.-M., & Dries, S. (2011). Verliebt sein in die eigene Hypothese ist kurzsichtig. Falter, (21/2011).
Leder, H. (2011). Wie es uns gefällt. Ästhetik von Alltagsobjekten. Gehirn & Geist. Das Magazin für Psychologie und Hirnforschung, 3, 24-30.
Leder, H., Peschl, F.-M., & Cavanagh, P. (2011). Wie schafft es das Gehirn, Schatten und Loch zu unterscheiden? Der Standard.
Leder, H., Peschl, F.-M., & Dirtl, T. (2011). Wie tickt der Mensch? Forschungsnewsletter der Universität Wien, April 2011.
Slunecko, T., & Wieser, M. (2011). Wundt meets Hegel?
Anmerkungen zur „Historischen Psychologie“ Gerd Jüttemanns. Erwägen Wissen Ethik. Forum für Erwägungskultur (EWE), 21(4), 88-91.
Zeige Ergebnisse 181 - 200 von 212