Publikationen 2010-2019
Zeige Ergebnisse 61 - 80 von 212
Pelowski, M., Leder, H., & Tinio, P. (2017). Creativity in the Visual Arts. in J. C. Kaufman, V. P. Glăveanu, & J. Baer (Hrsg.), The Cambridge Handbook of Creativity across Domains (S. 80-109). Cambridge University Press.
Bottazzi, G. (Hrsg.), Leder, H., & Nadal, M. (2017). Curved art in the real world: A psychological look at the art of Guillaume Bottazzi.
Leder, H., & Schwarz, N. (2017). Does art expertise facilitate distancing? Behavioral and Brain Sciences: an international journal of current research and theory with open peer commentary, 40, e370. Artikel e370.
Gerger, G., Ishizu, T., & Pelowski, M. (2017). Empathy as a guide for understanding the balancing of Distancing-Embracing with negative art. Behavioral and Brain Sciences: an international journal of current research and theory with open peer commentary, 40, Artikel e361.
De Pari, M., Slunecko, T., & Johnson, D. (2017). Liminal Consciousness: A Systemic Framework for 'Altered States of Consciousness'. in Proceedings of the 61st Annual Meeting of the International Society for the Systems Sciences
Slunecko, T. (2017). Philipp Roidingers ‚Musikalisches Improvisieren‘ zum Geleit. in P. Roidinger (Hrsg.), Musikalisches Improvisieren: Eine generische Einheit von Handlung, Gestalt und Wirkung (S. VII-XI). Springer.
Slunecko, T. (2017). Psychotherapie: - eine Lagebestimmung. in T. Slunecko (Hrsg.), Psychotherapie: Eine Einführung (2. Aufl., S. 11-32). Facultas.
Slunecko, T. (Hrsg.) (2017). Psychotherapie: Eine Einführung. (2., vollständig überarbeitete Aufl.) Facultas. UTB
Zhang, M., Liu, T., Pelowski, M., Jia, H., & Yu, D. (2017). Social risky decision-making reveals gender differences in the TPJ: A hyperscanning study using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. Brain and Cognition, 119, 54-63.
Belfi, A. M., Vessel, E. A., Pelli, D. G., Chatterjee, A., Leder, H., & Starr, G. (2017). Transient versus sustained neural responses to pleasure aesthetics experiences. in Cognitive Neuroscience Society 2017 Annual Meeting, 25.-28.3.2017, San Francisco, U.S.A.
Slunecko, T. (2017). Vorwort. in T. Slunecko (Hrsg.), Psychotherapie: Eine Einführung (2. Aufl., S. 7-10). Facultas.
Ansorge, U., & Leder, H. (2017). Wahrnehmung und Aufmerksamkeit, 2. überarbeitete Auflage. Springer.
Marin, M. M., Lampatz, A., Wandl, M., & Leder, H. (2016). Berlyne Revisited: Evidence for the Multifaceted Nature of Hedonic Tone in the Appreciation of Paintings and Music. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 10(NOV2016), Artikel 536.
Pelowski, M., Oi, M., Liu, T., Saito, G., & Saito, H. (2016). Understand after like, viewer's delight? A fNIRS study of order-effect in combined hedonic and cognitive appraisal of art. Acta Psychologica, 170, 127-138.
Gartus, A., Plasser, H., & Leder, H. (2016). Individual differences in aesthetic judgments of symmetry. XIV. Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA), Wien, Österreich.
Leder, H., Mitrovic, A., & Goller, J. (2016). How Beauty Determines Gaze! Facial Attractiveness and Gaze Duration in Images of Real World Scenes. i-Perception, 7(4).
Kaisler, R. E., & Leder, H. (2016). Trusting the Looks of Others: Gaze Effects of Faces in Social Settings. Perception, 45(8), 875-892.
Lauring, J. O., Pelowski, M., Forster, M., Gondan, M., Ptito, M., & Kupers, R. (2016). Well, if They Like it... Effects of Social Groups' Ratings and Price Information on the Appreciation of Art. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 10(3), 344-359.
Schabmann, A., Gerger, G., Schmidt, B. M., Wögerer, E., Osipov, I., & Leder, H. (2016). Where Does It Come From? Developmental Aspects of Art Appreciation. International Journal of Behavioral Development, 40(4), 313-323.
Faerber, S., Kaufmann, J. M., Leder, H., Martin, E. M., & Schweinberger, S. R. (2016). The Role of Familiarity for Representations in Norm-Based Face Space. PLoS ONE, 11(5), Artikel e0155380.
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