Publikationen 2020-aktuell
Zeige Ergebnisse 61 - 80 von 102
Hristova, D., Jovicic, S., Göbl, B., de Freitas, S., & Slunecko, T. (2022). “Why did we lose our Snapchat Streak?”: Social media gamification and metacommunication. Computers in Human Behavior Reports, 5, Artikel 100172.
Leder, H., Hakala, J., Peltoketo, V.-T., Valuch, C., & Pelowski, M. (2022). Swipes and Saves: A Taxonomy of Factors Influencing Aesthetic Assessments and Perceived Beauty of Mobile Phone Photographs. Frontiers in Psychology, 13, Artikel 786977.
Specker, E., & Leder, H. (2022). Testing the facsimile accommodation hypothesis. Acta Psychologica, 222, Artikel 103482.
Pelowski, M., & Leder, H. (2022). But, What Actually Happens When We Engage with “Art”? in A. Chatterjee, & E. Cardilo (Hrsg.), Brain, beauty, and art: essays bringing neuroaesthetics into focus (S. 13–C3.P17). Oxford University Press.
Slunecko, T., & Bösel, B. (2022). Das Unbehagen in der digitalen Zuwendung: Ein Gespräch. Augenblick. Konstanzer Hefte zur Medienwissenschaft, 85, 127-137.
Skov, M., Vartanian, O., Navarrete, G., Modrono, C., Chatterjee, A., Leder, H., Gonzalez-Mora, J. L. G., & Nadal, M. (2022). Differences in regional gray matter volume predict the extent to which openness influences judgments of beauty and pleasantness of interior architectural spaces. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 1507, 133-145.
Meister, M., & Slunecko, T. (2022). Digitale Dispositive psychischer Gesundheit: Eine Analyse der Resilienz-App ‚SuperBetter‘. Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung (ZQF), 22(2), 242-265.
Przyborski, A., & Slunecko, T. (2022). Editorial zum Schwerpunktheft 'Qualitative Zugänge zu digitalisierten Körper- und Gesundheitspraxen'. Zeitschrift für Qualitative Forschung (ZQF), 22(2), 179-186.
Specker, E., & Pelowski, M. (2022). How can engagement in the arts effect our emotional lives?, in Creativity, Emotions, and the Arts: Research, Application, and Impact. Fundación Botín Report
Trupp, M., Howlin, C., Fekete, A., Fingerhut, J., & Pelowski, M. (2022). Protocol for a Systematic Review of Suggested Mechanisms Underlying the Impact of Art Viewing on Wellbeing and Description of Art Viewing Activities. Prospero.
Friedrich, J., & Slunecko, T. (2021). Karl Bühler in Wien, 1922-1938: Konzeptionen, Kontroversen und ihre Kontinuität. Journal für Psychologie: Theorie - Forschung - Praxis, 29(2), 3-16.
He, L., Pelowski, M., Yu, W., & Liu, T. (2021). Neural resonance in consumers' right inferior frontal gyrus predicts attitudes toward advertising. Psychology & Marketing, 38(9), 1538-1549.
Liu, T., Duan, L., Dai, R., Pelowski, M., & Zhu, C. (2021). Team-work, Team-brain: Exploring synchrony and team interdependence in a nine-person drumming task via multiparticipant hyperscanning and inter-brain network topology with fNIRS. NeuroImage, 237, Artikel 118147.
He, L., Freudenreich, T., Yu, W., Pelowski, M., & Liu, T. (2021). Methodological structure for future consumer neuroscience research. Psychology & Marketing, 38(8), 1161-1181.
Wrbouschek, M., & Slunecko, T. (2021). Moods in transition: Theorizing the affective-dynamic constitution of situatedness. New Ideas in Psychology, 62(1), 142-161. Artikel 100857.,
Perez Matos, J. A., Richard, A., Spee, B. T., & Pelowski, M. (2021). Neurodegenerative diseases, art and creativity: therapeutic implications Comment. Neurodegenerative disease management, 11(3), 187-192.
Specker, E., Fried, E. I., Rosenberg, R., & Leder, H. (2021). Associating with Art: A Network Model of Aesthetic Effects. Collabra: Psychology, 7(1), Artikel 24085.
Wrbouschek, M., & Slunecko, T. (2021). Tensed toward the collective: A Simondonian perspective on human experience in context . Theory & Psychology, 31(1), 43-60.
Leder, H., & Pelowski, M. (2021). Empirical Aesthetics: Context, Extra Information, and Framing. in M. Nadal (Hrsg.), The Oxford Handbook of Empirical Aesthetics (S. 921-942). OXFORD UNIV PRESS.
Benetka, G., & Slunecko, T. (2021). ‚Erleben‘, das zur Sprache kommt. Anmerkungen zur Methode der ‚Introspektion‘ am Beispiel von Würzburger Schule und Mikrophänomenologie. Journal für Psychologie: Theorie - Forschung - Praxis, 29(2), 17-40.
Zeige Ergebnisse 61 - 80 von 102